According to Dr. Richard Stanwick, Island Health’s chief medical officer, we are in the midst of “the largest and most complex immunization effort in the history of our province.”
Continue reading BC’s largest immunization ever & a daily high record for new COVID casesTag Archives: Cortes Vaccination
BC clamps down on COVID 19 surge
National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
B.C. health authorities clamped down on COVID-19 measures Monday as new cases in the province spike and the race against variants becomes increasingly dire.
Continue reading BC clamps down on COVID 19 surgeCOVID retreating in North Vancouver Island
While the numbers have reached heights not seen since the beginning of this year across the province, COVID is retreating in North Vancouver Island.
On March 1st, there were 71 active cases; yesterday Island Health reported 17.
Continue reading COVID retreating in North Vancouver IslandVaccinations throughout Greater Campbell River and Powell River
Vaccinations are being carried out throughout the Greater Campbell River Health Area and Powell River.
Call centres are standing by to book appointments from 7 AM to 7 PM, 7 days a week.
Continue reading Vaccinations throughout Greater Campbell River and Powell RiverWhole community COVID-19 immunization for Cortes Island
The whole community COVID-19 immunization for Cortes Island will be at Gorge Hall on March 25th, 26th and the 27th.
Continue reading Whole community COVID-19 immunization for Cortes Island