Tag Archives: Da’naxda’xw First Nation

Cortes Fundraiser raises over $3,000 for Fairy Creek defenders

CKTZ News, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A public event called “Ode to the Old Growth” held at Hollyhock last Friday raised more than $3,000 to support Fairy Creek forest protesters.

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Na̲nwak̲olas council strikes agreement to protect sacred cedars

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

First Nations culture along B.C.’s West Coast is rooted in the majestic and monumental cedar tree.

Known as the “Tree of Life,” cedar has a multitude of uses for coastal peoples, says Na̲nwak̲olas Council president Dallas Smith.

But more than a century of industrial old-growth logging has mowed down these forest giants that can live for thousands of years, putting the shared spiritual and cultural well-being of First Nations at risk, Smith said.

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Q̓ʷalayu House: A Place For Families When Care Is Far From Home

Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Vancouver Island father Nick Chowdhury is grateful and excited that families who must travel to Campbell River to get essential medical care for their children will soon be welcomed at a home away from home. Q̓ʷalayu House, which will be adjacent to the North Island Hospital, breaks ground Thursday, and will shelter expectant mothers and members of their family from the northern region of Vancouver Island.

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