Tag Archives: Interfor

How BC will be directly impacted by a Trump presidency

By Sidney Coles, Capital Daily, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Very few people voted in it, but dollars to donuts, many people across BC had their eyes, last night and into the early morning hours, on the American election. No matter who was going to win, the economic and trade policies of the next and 47th US president were going to impact life on the Island. Had Kamala Harris won, those impacts would have been less stark, less worrisome. From culture to immigration, to trade, the outcome of a Trump presidency will be felt in ways we can’t yet fully anticipate.

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Candidates are making election promises on behalf of ecosystems that can’t vote

By Sidney Coles, Capital Daily, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The future of the natural systems we rely on to meet our basic needs—food, water, and shelter is being rolled into campaign promises made by sitting and would-be MLAs across the CRD.  In the run-up to the Oct. 19 election, it’s important to remember that these ecological systems aren’t constrained by riding or ideological boundaries. They will be constrained, however, by environmental policies that impact them, and so impact us all.

Because of their overarching effect on the way we live, work, play, and sustain ourselves, campaign promises concerning the environment and climate should trump all, but they don’t.  It’s understandable that as people struggle to pay rent, mortgage, heating, and grocery bills each month, it’s easy to forget the horrifying impacts of the 2021 heat dome in which 619 people in BC died and the disruptions the washout along the Malahat Highway caused that same year.

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Michele Babchuk Meets With Cortes Island Voters

Recording by Bryan McKinnon; Broadcast and text by Roy L Hales.

NDP incumbent Michele Babchuk came to Cortes Island Saturday, October 12, in the second in a series of meet the candidate events organized by FOCI’s Climate Action Committee. 

There is not room to unpack close to two hours of fact filled conversation into this half hour, but the full podcast is at the bottom of this page and here are some highlights.  

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Klahoose First Nation Acquires Extensive Logging Tenure from Interfor

In late 2023, Klahoose First Nation completed a “landmark deal” to purchase a total tenure of 181,036 cubic metres of allowable annual cut (AAC), on forest lands located on the Sunshine Coast in the Nation’s traditional territory. This makes KFN the largest logging tenure holder within the Nation’s traditional landbase.

Klahoose already owned tenure of 115,000 cubic metres AAC, so this purchase brings their total allowable cut to 296 thousand cubic metres per year, or over 140 million board feet. Chief Steven Brown told reporters that “Klahoose Nation is a forestry nation. We see a bright future for forestry, and it is time for us to manage the resources in our territory so the benefits come to our members,”

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A time of transition for Klahoose Forestry

While they have had a forestry license in Toba Inlet since 2009, Klahoose Forestry has been going through some significant changes. 

Bruno Pereira, Senior Manager of  Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC) explained that when he arrived three years ago, operations were managed by a partner from Vancouver. 

“The last few years have been transition years going from thinking of transitioning, to acting on transitioning,” he explained. 

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