Tag Archives: Athena Bonneau

Penticton Indian Band is using syilx traditional methods to reduce wildfire risk

By Athena Bonneau, The Discourse, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Penticton Indian Band (PIB) is working with BC Wildfire Serviceon a new wildfire risk reduction project using traditional syilx methods.

“All of the PIB [wildfire risk reduction] projects are informed by Elders and knowledge keepers,” says James Pepper, director of PIB’s natural resource department. “They write the prescriptions, then we implement them.”

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Rez culture isn’t our culture, says Chief Clarence Louie (y̓ilmixʷm ki law na)

By Athena Bonneau, The Discourse, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Chief Clarence Louie (y̓ilmixʷm ki law na) of the Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB) wants people to know that “rez culture” is not his culture — and he’s written a book about it. 

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Bringing back sockeye salmon

By Athena Bonneau, The Discourse, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The first day that sockeye salmon were reintroduced into the Penticton Channel was a “really good day,” explains Herb Alec, the Penticton Indian Band hatchery building operator.

“People were crying and it was a really emotional day.” 

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