Tag Archives: Tribal Journeys

Indigenous paddlers push off on powerful voyage to reclaim canoe culture across Pacific Northwest

Canada’s National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A flotilla of Indigenous canoes a hundred strong is converging along the Pacific Northwest as nations from Canada, the U.S. and beyond paddle hundreds of kilometres in pursuit of shared objectives and a common destination. 

Paddlers from eight different canoes were hosted, fed and sheltered by the Stz’uminus First Nation near Ladysmith on Vancouver Island before launching Thursday on their first leg of the Tribal Journey, said Michelle Robinson, a member of the Klahoose Nation’s Tl’emtl’ems canoe family. 

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Canoe journeys strengthen relationships between First Nations

qathet Living, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Tribal journeys are events that were held by the Sister Nations (Tla’amin, Homalco, K’ómoks, and Klahoose First Nations) up until COVID-19 hit in 2020. 

These events allowed First Nations communities to canoe across the coast together. Tla’amin Nation member Leslie Louie explains that the abundance of community spirit during these events is alway positive. 

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Sacred journey exhibit celebrates Indigenous canoe culture

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Nations and families from far-flung parts of coastal B.C. gathered to launch the Sacred Journey exhibit and celebrate the enduring importance of Indigenous canoe culture that stretches across the Pacific Northwest coast.

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An Artistic Sacred Journey: The Pacific Northwest’s canoe culture

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A massive canvas canoe adorned with sweeping bold lines of red, black and royal blue swallows up the space around it.

Artist KC Hall has little room to step back and get perspective on his latest work housed in a temporary workshop on Quadra Island a week before Christmas.

Hall, renowned for his synthesis of graffiti, manga and Northwest Coast art, is finishing up a central piece for the Sacred Journey travelling exhibition, slated to launch in Campbell River on Vancouver Island this spring.

Continue reading An Artistic Sacred Journey: The Pacific Northwest’s canoe culture