Tag Archives: Canada’s recession

Mark De Bruijn, Green Candidate for Powell River – North Island

In the first of my interviews with the candidates, I visited the home of Mark de Bruijn. Cortes Islanders may remember him as a former principal of our elementary school; He has also worked as a science teacher, college lecturer and former biologist for Canada’s Department of Fisheries. Now Mark de Bruijn is the Green Party of Canada’s candidate for North Island – Powell River.

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Canada Could Be A Clean Energy Superpower

By Roy L Hales

The clean energy sector employs more people than the oil sands and  the workforce grew another 14% last year. According to Clean Energy Canada’s latest Tracking the Energy Revolution, this sector attracted almost twice the investors than the fishing, forestry and agriculture sectors combined. They did not mention the sources of this money, but last year’s report showed 4 of the top 5 investment firms were German or Japanese. Foreign nations recognize the potential that the Harper administration has failed to perceive.  Canada could be a clean energy superpower.

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