Tag Archives: North Quadra Burning Survey

Mawhinney: Challenges Emergency Services currently face on Quadra Island

In the third of a series of interviews leading up to the October 15 election, Area C candidate Robyn Mawhinney describes some of the challenges emergency services face on Quadra Island. 

“Every month on Quadra Island, there are multiple days where there are no paramedics available, as well as no after hours emergency ferry,” she explained. 

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Discovery Island Items at the SRD Board Meeting

There were a lot of Discovery Island Items at the SRD (Strathcona Regional District) Board meeting last week.  

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North Quadra Residents Divided About Wildfire Protection

National Observer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Dalyce Dogterom recalls the night a neighbouring house, in Quadra Island’s remote community of Bold Point, caught fire a couple of years ago.

She couldn’t see the blaze from her property, but the night sky glowed red, she said.

Residents’ calls to 911 brought out the police and the ambulance service to treat the residents for smoke inhalation.

But the Quadra Island Fire Department (QIFD) wasn’t called out because fire protection services in the less densely populated and more isolated northern part of the island falls to the BC Wildfire Service, Dogterom said Monday.

The provincial wildfire service does not fight structure or residence fires, but rather forest fires.

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Fire Protection: what’s next for North Quadra Island?

In the summer of 2017,  a North Quadra Island presented the SRD Board with a petition, signed by 523 residents, calling for a uniform set of fire prevention regulations for the entire island. This led to the survey, which was mailed out last February. At their June 10th meeting, the Electoral Areas Services Committee discussed what’s next for North Quadra Island

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Results of The North Quadra Island Open Burning Survey

According to Dalyce Dogterom, the current fire protection on North Quadra Island does not include private dwellings. On February 12th, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) mailed the 240 property owners asking if the would like this changed. Little more than a third (84) of this number responded. While 64% indicated they were satisfied with their current protection, the  results of the North Quadra Island Open Burning Survey show a great deal of indifference. 

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