Tag Archives: Haida Gwaii

Haida Nation signs first-of-its-kind Aboriginal title agreement with Canada

By Nora O’Malley, Ha-Shilth-Sa, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Haida Nation and the Government of Canada signed a historical agreement on Feb. 17, affirming Haida Aboriginal title on Haida Gwaii, including the islands’ land, beds of freshwater bodies, and foreshores to the low-tide mark. 

President of the Haida Nation Gaagwiis Jason Alsop said the milestone Chiix̲uujin/Chaaw K̲aawgaa “Big Tide (Low Water)” Agreement, which was initiated in 1913 by past Haida leaders, ushers in a new era of peaceful co-existence.

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Brian Scott, Sherman Barker & Isabelle LaPlante: on the Cortes Experience

Around 40 people turned out to the Cortes Island Museum on November 10 for the launch of a series of community speakers. The host, Brian Scott traced the idea for ‘Finding Home: The Cortes Island Experience’  to a conversation he had with Sherman Barker. 

“Sherman and I have known each other for a few years, it’s long other story, but he was up on Easter Bluff one day when Jane and I went up for a hike.  We’re chatting, and he started telling us his arrival story. It actually goes even further back to when he came as a kid.  He said, there’s lots of stories on the island here and if we don’t somehow capture them, we’re going to lose them.” 

“I thought it would be an interesting thing for the museum to do because the museum has artifacts that it’s saving and preserving and sharing with the public. Stories are artifacts as well. How do we capture those? Then it occurred to me, well, why don’t we do a speaker series? I approached Sherman and said, ‘Hey, what do you think? You want to be the first?’ And he’s like, ‘yep, It’s awesome.’”  

Continue reading Brian Scott, Sherman Barker & Isabelle LaPlante: on the Cortes Experience

Vancouver Island Regional Library explains 15% Budget Increase

The Vancouver Island Regional Library increased its operating budget for 2024 to $38 million. That is 15% more money than last year ($33 million).  Executive Director Brent Hyman explained that this increase is necessary because the library’s  previous management did not budget properly and more money is needed for wages, benefits and leases. He has been giving presentations to the library’s funding partners. He has already spoken in Victoria, Nanaimo, and some of the other regional districts. Six of the library’s 39 branches are in the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) and he gave a presentation at the SRD Board’s March 27th meeting. 

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‘It’s all Haida land’: Nation’s title to be officially recognized over the entirety of Haida Gwaii

By Julie Chadwick, IndigiNews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter.

In a decision that has been more than 50 years in the making, “B.C.” has announced the completion of a draft agreement that formally recognizes the Haida Nation’s Aboriginal title throughout its entire territory of Haida Gwaii. 

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Crabbers refute blame from CityWest over Haida Gwaii internet disruptions

Editor’s note: In CityWest’s press release regarding the incident that follows they state, “see image (above) – marine vessel charts indicate an absence of fishing vessels in the vicinity. However, crabbing pots are observed directly on top of the Haida Gwaii subsea fiber line and right-of-way.”

CityWest has not responded to Cortes Currents repeated requests for an update regarding the installation of internet services on Cortes Island. One of their press releases suggests this began in November with a select group of beta testers.’ Some homes in Mansons Landing and Squirrel Cove informed Cortes Currents they are currently using CityWest, other Cortes residents recently stated they are still waiting.

By Seth Forward, Prince Rupert Northern View, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

CityWest has reestablished most of its service to Haida Gwaii after a month of interruptions have plagued the archipelago since Dec. 24, the company said in a Jan. 24 statement. 

The internet and phone service provider said two sub-sea cables were damaged by crab traps in the Hecate Strait, though the Area A Crab Association firmly disputes the claims, calling them “unlikely, if not impossible.” 

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