Tag Archives: Jeremy Dunn

Wilderness Tourism Association asks the SRD to support DFO’s decision

At the April 28, 2021 meeting, The Wilderness Tourism Association (WTA) of BC asked the SRD Board to support DFO’s decision to remove fish farms from the Discovery Islands. 

WTA President Breanne Quesnel, of Spirit of the West Adventures on Quadra Island, reminded the board that they also represent the interests of 15 of its member companies operating within the Strathcona Regional District.

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Remove the Broughton Archipelago’s Open-Net Fish Farms

Marine Harvest did not have the consent of local First Nations,  when they set up an open net fish farm off Swanson Island farm thirty-one-years ago.  They did not need it, with a Social Credit government ruling British Columbia. Only this is 2017, the courts recognize aboriginal title, and Premier John Horgan is more conscious of First Nation’s concerns. At the invitation of Chief Bob Chamberlain of Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation, Horgan and three of his top cabinet ministers visited Alert Bay. They met with forty Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwakiutl) leaders, who demanded Horgan remove the Broughton Archipelago’s open net fish farms.

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Hard Evidence From The Inside

By Roy L Hales


Wildlife biologist Alexandra Morton has been wanting to get a close look at the salmon inside a fish farm for years. She got her opportunity on August 23, when the  Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw nation boarded Marine Harvest’s Midsummer fish farm in Kingcome Inlet, BC. The video below shows what Morton found after lowered a Go Pro camera into the pens for ten minutes.  She calls this hard evidence from the inside.

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Salmon Farms face Multiple Legal Threats

By Roy L Hales


Alexandra Morton’s long awaited suit against the Department of Fisheries and Oceans opened in Vancouver today. Morton’s lawyer, Margot Venton, filed the suit after learning that fish allegedly infected with the piscine reovirus (PRV) had been transferred into an open-pen fish farm operated by Marine Harvest along the Fraser River sockeye migration. BC salmon farms face Multiple Legal Threats .

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