Tag Archives: Broughton process

Highlights from Green candidate Nic Dedeluk’s visit to Cortes Island

Around 30 people turned out to meet Green candidate Nic Dedeluk when she came to Mansons Hall on Monday, October 7. Cortes Currents recorded 145 minutes of the two hour meeting, which is far too much to fit into a half hour broadcast. So today’s program consists of a few highlights. 

This event was put on by  FOCI’s Climate Action Committee (The Climate Action Network) and there is a link to the unedited audio at the bottom of this page.

Continue reading Highlights from Green candidate Nic Dedeluk’s visit to Cortes Island

Nic for North Island, an Interview with The Green Party Candidate

While the Green party has shown promise in the past, especially on Vancouver Island, this has yet to translate into votes on election day. So my biggest question for Nic Dedeluk, the candidate for North Island riding, is why should we vote Green? 

Nick Dedeluk: “The Green Party is running candidates in 69 ridings, but we have six ridings that we are really hopeful will actually get elected. Getting six green MLAs voted in would be really positive for BC politics and holding the other parties accountable to moving forward  in a way that’s better for our environment.” 

Continue reading Nic for North Island, an Interview with The Green Party Candidate

Land and water in B.C. have a new ministry. We spoke with its leader

By Matt Simmons, The Narwhal, Local Journalism Initiative reporter

Josie Osborne seems careful with her words as she talks about her new job. The former mayor of Tofino, turned MLA,  is heading up the new B.C. Ministry of Land, Water and Resource  Stewardship and is the minister responsible for fisheries. But through  her political composure are glimpses of a lifestyle associated with the  little west coast community on Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation territory —  she lives on ten acres with her husband, dog, three goats and chickens  and works out of a brightly coloured tiny house office. 

Continue reading Land and water in B.C. have a new ministry. We spoke with its leader

MOWI: Closing down a processing plant and removing another fish farm 

MOWI Canada West is closing down its processing plant in Surrey and another fish farm has left the Broughton Archipelago.

Continue reading MOWI: Closing down a processing plant and removing another fish farm 

SRD protests BC’s ‘reactive’ and ‘emotionally driven’ forestry policies

How our local government works

The Strathcona Regional District Board is writing Premier Horgan, to protest the government’s new ‘reactive,’ and ‘emotionally driven’ forestry policies. 

This letter appears to have largely been composed by Campbell River Director Charlie Cornfield, with some additions by SRD Chair Brad Unger. 

If the authors had stuck to the idea that local government should be involved in the process, or taken a less confrontational approach, their letter would have received more support. 

Instead, the decision to send it carried by a 7 to 6 vote.

Continue reading SRD protests BC’s ‘reactive’ and ‘emotionally driven’ forestry policies