Tag Archives: Bruno Pereira

Pereira stepping down from QXMC: What happened?

Bruno Pereira was back in Montreal, visiting his family, when Cortes Currents first interviewed him. That was two weeks ago, on Aril 22. When he returned to Squirrel Cove, Pereira spoke further about three of his ‘babies’: – the Klahoose forestry, aquaculture and tourism sectors. Then word came that Bruno Pereira is resigning and will no longer be Senior Manager of Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC). 

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Overview of Klahoose Aquaculture

In 2007, Chief Ken Brown purchased 50% of a 34 hectare sub-tidal geoduck farm off Squirrel Cove, on Cortes Island. In the years that followed, the Klahoose First Nation bought their partner out. They were 100% owners when Bruno Pereira became General Manager of Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC). 

The next phase of Klahoose Aquaculture growth grew out of a series of discussions that Pereira had with Operations Manager Paul Muskee, more than two years ago.

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General manager of Qathen Xwegus on Cortes Island is stepping down after three years

Click here for ‘Pereira stepping down from QXMC: What happened?’

By Greg Osoba, CKTZ News, through an LJI grant from Canada-info.ca

Bruno Pereira has been at the helm of Klahoose First Nation’s business arm since 2019 and, after over three years in the role, he’s stepping down.

Pereira has helped the Qathen Xwegus corporation grow and develop significantly during his tenure. The corporation has several divisions, including tourism, forestry and aquaculture. Pereira says when he took over, revenues were marginal at best. Now, he says Qathen Xwegus has evolved to bring in $8-10 million dollars annually in gross revenue.

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Toba Inlet: Another potential expansion for Qathen Xwegus?

It has been six years since Klahoose Wilderness Adventures erected its first bear watching tower in Toba Inlet. Now there are six viewing platforms, but they are only for two months every year.

Cortes Currents asked Bruno Pereira, Senior Manager of Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC) which oversees Klahoose First Nation business activities, if there are plans to expand their tourism offerings in Toba.

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The vision behind Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation

In the three years since they hired Bruno Pereira, Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC) has purchased the Klahoose Wilderness Resort, Gorge Harbour Marina, a water taxi, a piece of ocean front property for a combined campsite/RV park and entered into the seaweed farm business. They intend to add another 20 rental units, a larger store and gas station at the Gorge. QXMC is also contemplating a hydroponic vegetable farm and electrifying their land transport fleet.

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