Tag Archives: Brigid Weiler

Ways to Walk Paths of Beauty

The final exhibition of the 2024 season at the Old Schoolhouse Gallery invites us to Paths of Beauty.  These works by six artists: Lisa Gibbons, Karen McDiarmid, Donna Naven, Jane Newman, Amy Robertson and Brigid Weiler invited me to think about “what is beauty in art?”

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What Does Quality Education Look Like On Cortes Island?

The next Conversation Cafe asks ‘what does quality and accessible education look like and how do we support it? Colin Funk, President of the Cortes Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA), will be the facilitator of this public meeting in the Pioneer Room of Mansons Hall from 6:00 to 8:00 PM on Thursday, November 16.

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Birthing of the Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery

“I think that artists have a finger on the pulse of what’s going on. We need a place  to show work, and we need to gather and see what’s going on.” – Janet Turpin. 

“For me personally, it gives me a sense of connection to the deeper understanding of what’s behind art and it’s a mirror of what’s going on in the community. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in the world.  That’s what I think artists tap into.” – Lynne Barker 

“Art reflects life and then life reflects art again.  Personally, it helped me grow as an artist. If I look back in 1997 and I look back now,  I grew in this gallery. As artists, we come together. We talk about the shows. We talk about art, I have learned so much.” – Meinsje Vlaming. 

They were responding to the question, ‘why is the Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery important?’

The Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery just celebrated its 26th anniversary. Some of its early posters and reproductions of artwork were put up on the walls for the society’s recent AGM. During conversation with some of the earlier members, Cortes Currents learned the gallery was in operation prior to the beginning of written records in 1997. 

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Memories of the old Whaletown Schoolhouse

After more than a decade of service, the Oyster Bay schoolhouse was barged over to Whaletown in 1950. There it opened its doors to the children of a new community.

Brigid Weiler started attending the Whaletown School in 1959. 

Her earliest memories are in that area.

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Looking at Art in a group show

It is usual to look at one artist’s work hanging in a gallery. It may be more complicated to look at 20 artists displaying more than 30 pieces on the walls in almost every media used to create art.

Here are some ways I enjoy looking at art in a group show.

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