Tag Archives: Guy Dauncey

Seven ways to tackle inflation without raising interest rates

Originally published on Corporate Knights

Editor’s note: Guy Dauncey’s Big Solutions: Raising interest rates is a cruel cudgel that hurts the most vulnerable. There are other responses that governments and central banks should consider.

By Guy Dauncey

There are many causes of inflation, but there’s only one solution central banks seem willing to consider: increase interest rates. This has many people scratching their heads: Why would this bring down the price of rent, food or gas? Won’t it increase costs for anyone who pays interest on a variable-rate mortgage or consumer loan? And won’t it make essential green investments more difficult?

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Seven ways to include nature in our economic choices

Guy Dauncey’s Big Solutions: The COP15 biodiversity conference in Montreal has ambitious goals. Here’s how we could embed these goals into our economies.

Originally published on Corporate Knights

By Guy Dauncey

From nature’s perspective, human civilization has been a disaster.

It has caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and 50% of plants. Between 1970 and 2016 alone, humans wiped out 68% of the world’s mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. The world’s governments support this destructive activity with subsidies worth between US $1.8 trillion and $6 trillion a year ($5 billion to $16 billion a day).

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How Do We Build A Different Economy?

By Roy L Hales

Last week I began a two-part interview with Guy Dauncey, founder of the BC Sustainable Energy association and the author of Journey to the Future: A Better World Is Possible. This week Dauncey tackles the question “How do we build a different economy?”

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Guy Dauncey’s Solutions for a Changing Planet

Guy Dauncey is the founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association. He is also the author or co-author of ten books, including the Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming and most recently Journey to the Future: A Better World Is Possible. I recently visited Ladysmith to discuss Guy Dauncey’s solutions for a changing planet

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